8Gb Nook Tablet Released by Barnes & Noble

Hi, here is latest information for Nook Lover Barnes & Noble has confirmed a reasonably priced 8 GB tablet alternative to the Amazon Kindle Fire with the immediate release of the 8GB Nook Tablet. 

The new Barnes & Noble 8 GB NOOK Tablet is basically a scaled down version of its original 16GB model, they have basically cut down everything. The company still powers the device with the same 1GHz dual-core processor.

It comes with 8GB of storage and they have cut the memory down to 512MB of RAM in order to reduce the cost of the device making it an affordable next to the Amazon Kindle Fire’s pricing. Even though its storage capacity was scaled down for cost effective purposes.


Nook Tablet 16 GB is available at dealaboo.com in very less price much much better than kindle fire.

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